ALERT: ‘No Christians in Command’ Policy Infiltrates Idaho

ALERT: ‘No Christians in Command’ Policy Infiltrates Idaho

Earlier this year, an Idaho Army National Guard Infantry Officer was removed from command for his Christian beliefs.

Now his attorneys are now shedding light on what they are calling the Idaho National Guard’s ‘No Christians in Command’ policy.

According to Liberty Counsel, a public interest Christian law firm, the infantry officer was illegally pressured to resign after posting statements expressing conservative Christian values like “no child is born in the wrong body” and “the sexualization of children is immoral and must be stopped.”

Send an email now asking Gov. Brad Little to restore the officer’s career and reverse the Idaho National Guard’s ‘No Christians in Command’ policy!

Blaine Conzatti and Kent DelHousaye spoke to Liberty Counsel’s Vice President of Legal Affairs, Daniel Schmid, in our latest episode of the Idaho Family Report podcast. According to Schmid:

It’s quite scary when the arm of the government comes in, especially for people who swore an oath to defend the Constitution, to then turn that same Constitution on them. . . forcing [conservative Christians] to resign, and then removing them from command for nothing other than religious speech. That ought to scare everybody in Idaho.

The Governor of Idaho is the Commander in Chief of the Idaho National Guard. He has the authority and the duty to reverse this “No Christians in Command” policy and to say knock this off. 

Use our Action Center to send a message to Gov. Brad Little, asking him to reinstate the infantry officer and send a clear message that Christian officers will not be silenced for their religious beliefs.


11 Responses

  1. This info is too general to use in my anticipated letter to the Governor. Was he posting as a private citizen or from his position as a national Guard Officer?

  2. I understand an Idaho Army National Guard Infantry Officer was illegally pressured to resign after posting statements expressing conservative Christian values. Unless you have already reinstated him, please give this your immediate attention and do the right thing. What better person could we have in the guard, than a Constitution loving Christian?

  3. Governor Little i wrote earlier i would like a response as to what tou are going to do about this the officer needs to be reinstated and the law reserved pkease respond back thank you .

  4. Re:No Christians in command. Pleass reverse this policy and reinstate the commander who was let go because of his Christian beliefs.

  5. Dear Governor Little, I am asking you to reinstate the infantry officer and send a clear message that Christian officers not be silenced for their religious beliefs. You have the authority to do this. Please don’t let Idaho be taken over by the leftists agenda.
    Respectfully, Pennee Kerr

  6. As Vietnam veteran U.S. Marine Corps infantry officer, I ask you to reinstate the National Guard officer. Our founding fathers regularly called upon the Lord in establishing our country, and the military has regularly advocated Christian ethics to inspire morale and morals in creating an effective organization. Punishing anyone for their religious beliefs expressed on a private website is a violation of our constitutional rights.

  7. What is worse- a person (man) with moral values, honest, and dedicated or one who indulges in a possible variety of immoral desires.
    Please reinstate the national guard commander.

  8. Governor Little:
    Please reinstate the infantry officer who posted his PERSONAL beliefs in a PERSONAL capacity on his PERSONAL Facebook page. On your part, not reinstating him violates an American citizen’s First Amendment rights and shouts that Idaho is BIGOTED against Christians, but friendly to the far-left’s woke agenda.

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