Are you concerned about preserving constitutional government for your children and grandchildren? Are you dismayed by the rapid decline of Christian values in our state and nation?
If so, then you’re not alone. There’s one question I’m asked more than any other: “How can I get involved and make a difference?”
Idaho Family Policy Center is on the frontline of the battle for faith, family, and freedom, but we can’t do it alone.
We need committed activists, volunteers, networkers, and generous donors to rebuild the biblical and constitutional foundations that have been destroyed by the radical left over the last several decades.
Here are five ways you can get involved in the effort to advance the lordship of Jesus Christ in the public square:
1. Host a Biblical Activism Bootcamp
Biblical Activism Bootcamps are single-day seminars geared toward equipping Christians with the biblical tools they need to exercise their responsibilities as citizens. Would you like your church to host a Biblical Activism Bootcamp? Get more information by clicking here.
2. Volunteer
We are relaunching our volunteer program! If you’re interested in using your God-given skills to assist with events, gather signatures for petitions, or a myriad of other important tasks, download a volunteer packet here.
3. Become a Church Liaison
Church liaisons help their home churches stay informed and engaged on cultural issues. Are you interested in learning more about our church liaison program? Click here to express your interest.
4. Attend a Family Forum Night
Our new Family Forum Nights are designed to inform and equip Christians with the knowledge and action items they need to make a difference.
The first-ever Family Forum Night is scheduled for 7:00 PM on Tuesday, January 10, at the Ada County Courthouse. We will discuss how radical gender ideology is leaving children mutilated and maimed—and what Idahoans can do to fix the problem. Speakers include including Joseph Backholm (Family Research Council), Rep. Bruce Skaug (R-Nampa), and Blaine Conzatti (Idaho Family Policy Center).
Click here to register for this free informative event!
5. Offer Testimony at Legislative Committee Hearings
Conservative Christians rarely show up to testify at legislative committees, even though public testimony sometimes determines whether a bill dies or becomes law.
Do you want to learn how to provide public testimony at the state legislature? It’s not as hard as you think, and you can make a big difference. Sign up for our free “Legislative Advocacy 101” video-conference on Tuesday, January 24 from 12:10 – 12:50 PM MT.
With your help, we can together build an Idaho where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
One Response
I’d like to sign up for the next Legislative Advocacy video conference. I see I missed the January one.