Idaho Common Core Public Hearings Near You

Idaho Common Core Public Hearings Near You

We want to let you know about an upcoming opportunity for you to become involved in the process of determining what children are taught in public schools.

In 2011, Idaho adopted the Idaho Core Standards. These standards are tied to the controversial Common Core Standards.

Many parents have contacted us, asking what they can do to make their voices heard.

They’re concerned the Common Core Standards reduce local and state control over curriculum choices, making it harder for parents, teachers, administrators, and school boards to choose the best curricula for their local communities.

When the national Common Core Standards were implemented here in Idaho, the power to craft education standards was taken out of the hands of the state legislature and local school boards. These standards were developed by national organizations and educational companies unaccountable to parents and school boards and unresponsive to their concerns.

Over the past few months, hundreds of people have signed petitions and sent emails requesting public hearings on Idaho Common Core Standards.

In response, the Idaho State Board of Education scheduled four public hearings. These hearings offer parents and community members with a forum to share their perspective on this important topic and potentially influence education policy.

Public hearings will be held at:

  • Nampa (August 19): The College of Western Idaho, Academic Building, Room 102 E
  • Twin Falls (August 21): The College of Southern Idaho, Hepworth Building, Room 108
  • Coeur d’Alene (August 22): North Idaho College’s Student Union Building, Lake Coeur d’Alene Conference Room
  • Idaho Falls (August 27): The College of Eastern Idaho Building 6 (Health Education Building), Room 150/152


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