Local Newspaper Attacks Biblical Christianity (and IFPC)

Local Newspaper Attacks Biblical Christianity (and IFPC)

Idaho Statesman editor Scott McIntosh said the theological beliefs of Idaho Family Policy Center “should scare you.”

Opinion columnist Bryan Clark (of the same newspaperwarned that our real goal is destroying the American constitutional order—and persecuting Mormons.

It’s sad to see legacy newspapers like the Idaho Statesman pedaling such incendiary and baseless claims. I recently responded to their hit-piece with my own column in the Idaho Statesman, which I’ve included below for your reading.

But we shouldn’t be surprised. Newspaper editors and columnists don’t just hate Idaho Family Policy Center. In truth, they hate biblical Christianity, the exclusivity of the gospel, and the lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life—including government, politics, and society.


Idaho Family Policy Center director affirms biblical principles as basis for governing
October 31, 2022  |  Blaine Conzatti  |  The Idaho Statesman


A recent column published by opinion writer Bryan Clark in the Idaho Statesman (“Christian nationalism rising,” 10/23) concluded that the governing philosophy advocated by Idaho Family Policy Center could lead to “persecution” and would “fundamentally change the nature of American government and philosophy.”

Clark worked hard to feign amazement that Idaho Family Policy Center — a nonprofit ministry advancing the lordship of Jesus Christ in the public square — stands boldly upon biblical truth.

But he shouldn’t be surprised. Our organization simply affirms the same biblical positions held by most faithful Christians throughout history — including the great men who founded our nation and our state.

Any honest reading of history reveals that biblical principles were central to the American founding and informed early American statesmen as they formulated public policy.

Consider James Wilson, who signed the Declaration of Independence and served as an original associate justice of the US Supreme Court. In a lecture to American law students, Justice Wilson explained: “Human law must rest its authority, ultimately, upon the authority of that law, which is divine.”

Or take Alexander Hamilton, who went as far as saying that any human law contrary to God’s law was void and without effect.

As George Washington told Americans, “It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.”

We concur. Last we checked, every person who recites the Pledge of Allegiance affirms that our nation is “under” the authority of God, and even our money testifies that we “trust” in God for our national welfare. Our approach to politics represents a return to — not a departure from — our founding constitutional principles.

Incredibly, the Idaho Statesman column last week also questioned whether Mormons would be free to worship in the Christian America envisioned by the Idaho Family Policy Center.

Such incendiary rhetoric coming from a legacy newspaper is pathetic. But since we must now set the record straight, let me be clear: Idaho Family Policy Center will continue working to defend religious liberty for all people, including Mormons.

After all, we love our LDS friends and neighbors, many of whom share our concerns about leftist attacks on parental rights, dangerous gender ideology and woke critical race theory. And most Mormons would never condone what we’re seeing at the drag shows taking place throughout our state and nation, where biological males dressed in women’s lingerie rub their genitalia and twerk onstage with young children watching from the audience.

Not only do these exhibitions sexualize our children and threaten public virtue, but these exhibitions also mock our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters by making a spectacle of feminine beauty in public parks and libraries. No doubt future generations will look at these drag shows much like we now look back on the blackface minstrel shows that once mocked our black brothers and sisters.

Christians shouldn’t get discouraged. We’re on the winning side. Over the last few years, we’ve seen great progress with state legislation supported by Idaho Family Policy Center, despite attacks coming from radical leftists who seek to destroy the biblical foundations of constitutional government in Idaho and the United States.

And good thing. God’s law grants more freedom — and enables more human flourishing — than any other moral philosophy known to man.

As Jesus said, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free” (John 8:32).


One Response

  1. Thank you Jesus and this biblicalbased organization! Biblical marriage and family procreation is the very cornerstone of God institution. Which is why we see the enemy attacking these on every side.Keep up the good work.

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