One thing I’ve learned is that the cultural issues we face today were matters of biblical and moral concern long before they ever became political flashpoints.
To a large degree, our cultural problems stem from Christians acting like this world is a playground instead of a battleground. Many Christians have abandoned their posts because they’ve lost sight of their kingdom-minded mission.
Idaho Family Policy Center is leading on the frontline of the battle to protect faith, family, and freedom in our great state. But we can’t do it alone.
Right now, we need ministry partners who are committed to engaging the powers of darkness with our most effective weapon: PRAYER.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the new IFPC Prayer Coalition!
By joining the IFPC Prayer Coalition, you will receive an exclusive weekly email newsletter that includes:
- Specific prayer requests on local, state, and national matters of concern
- Action items to share with your church or small group so they can stay informed and engaged
- Video devotions that will encourage you to keep fighting the good fight
Additionally, we will host private strategy calls and special events for Prayer Coalition Warriors so that you can be better equipped to act as salt and light wherever God has placed you.
No matter your sphere of influence, financial capacity, or area of expertise, prayer is the most important responsibility for Christians who care about politics and culture. Please consider joining the fight by registering for the IFPC Prayer Coalition today!