Update on Abortifacient Mandate

Update on Abortifacient Mandate

Let me encourage you: biblical citizenship has a real impact!

Last week you flooded the Senate Commerce and Human Resource Committee with emails and calls voicing opposition to the Planned Parenthood-supported Abortifacient Mandate (SB 1050).

This extreme legislation would have mandated insurance coverage for contraceptives—including abortifacients like “Plan B” and “Ella” that can end pregnancies after fertilization.

Your action prompted the legislative sponsor, Sen. Melissa Wintrow (D-Boise), to pull the bill. She has removed its most radical provision – the abortifacient mandate – and has reintroduced the bill as SB 1098. Family Policy Alliance of Idaho continues to oppose the bill over religious liberty concerns and because it increases unnecessary government regulation of health insurance companies.

Thank you for making your voice heard. You showed that biblical citizenship makes a difference!
