Our legislation to protect children from sex change drugs and surgeries has passed both chambers of the state legislature and will soon be delivered to Gov. Brad Little.
The bill, which we’ve named the Vulnerable Child Protection Act (H71), is sponsored by Sen. Lori Den Hartog (R-Meridian) and Rep. Bruce Skaug (R-Nampa) and received widespread support in both the Senate and House.
Gov. Brad Little has not signaled whether he intends to sign or veto the legislation. As of Tuesday afternoon, Little’s office had received 91 phone calls encouraging him to veto the House Bill 71, compared to only 21 phone calls calling on him to sign it, according to KTVB.
Here’s what you can do:
1. Use our Action Center to send an email asking Gov. Little to sign the Vulnerable Child Protection Act.
2. Call Gov. Little’s office at (208) 334-2100 and politely ask him to follow the lead of nine other Republican-led states that have passed laws banning these harmful drugs and procedures for children.
3. Pass this email along to likeminded friends and family!
Your action could convince Gov. Little to sign this important legislation. Don’t miss this opportunity to exercise biblical citizenship!
2 Responses
Thank you for all you are doing and for keeping us informed!
Thank you for your work on this. The number listed for Gov Little’s office is the number for Idaho worker’s compensation.
Thank you,
Angela Herron