ALERT: Tell Gov. Little to Sign Library Bill!

ALERT: Tell Gov. Little to Sign Library Bill!

Last year, Gov. Brad Little vetoed the Children’s School and Library Protection Act, rejecting the will of the people and their elected representatives.

This year, a nearly identical bill (House Bill 710) has been passed by the state legislature—and it now sits on Gov. Little’s desk.

Governor Little once again has a decision to make: Will he protect Idaho children from pornographic library materials?

The governor has until Wednesday to sign or veto this crucial legislation. With that in mind, we need conservatives like YOU to spring into action and make your voice heard:


1. Use our Action Center to send a pre-formatted message urging Gov. Little to sign House Bill 710


2. Call the governor’s staff at 208-334-2100 during normal business hours. You can use the following script:

I’m calling to ask that Gov. Little sign House Bill 710, also known as the Children’s School and Library Protection Act. Nearly 75% of likely Idaho voters agree that schools and libraries should take reasonable steps to restrict children’s access to pornography—and House Bill 710 accomplishes this important goal to protect children’s innocence.

3. Text your friends and ask them to call the governor. You can use the following script:

Too many children across Idaho are exposed to pornography at public schools and community libraries. It’s time to solve this issue once-and-for-all.

Last year, Gov. Brad Little vetoed the Children’s School and Library Protection Act. We can’t let him do that again!

Call his office at (208) 334-2100 and ask him to sign House Bill 710. The average person needs to make their voice heard so that we can protect children’s innocence!

Right now, we need all hands on deck. Let’s put biblical citizenship into action so that children can be protected!


57 Responses

  1. Kids see much worse in their everyday lives, than they do in a school library. Hell, all we can teach is abstinence, and yet pregnancy rates keep raising. Keep government out of schools!!!!!

  2. I am not sure what is classified as pornography in the bill but if it show pictures of genitalia and sexual intercourse it should be banned!

  3. Governor Little,
    Please sign House Bill 710 to protect our precious children from pornography and disgusting books with horrible language and pictures. You seem to have forgotten how much garbage our innocent children encounter from evil adults . Thank you.

  4. Our families, sovereignty and children are under direct attack from the left, and those who wish to rule us. We must unite and come together in a single voice to combat this vile agenda.

    We also need to raise our voices to protect our rights as citizens and both immediately deport those here illegally, and ensure that only legal citizens can vote in elections.

    Further, we need to invest in our critical infrastructure like electric and water from cyber attacks that we are beginning to see around our nation. Louisiana just passed a law too that says that they will not recognize and authority from organizations such as: WEF, UN, WHO. We will not eat bugs, despite what Tyson Foods is saying/doing, or Klaus Schwab. This is AMERICA! This is what our founders foresaw.

  5. Librarians are not morality police. Parents are this is a ridiculous bill, and once again shows the narrow madness of Idaho elected officials.

  6. We need to stop the indoctranation of liberal programming of our kids. They learn it fast enough. It should not be in our schools.

  7. I am a lifelong devout follower of Jesus Crist. This is ridiculous. You are creating hysteria in regard to a fake problem. Idaho libraries and school libraries are safe. You demonize librarians just to score rabid Christian ppolitical points and spread lies. My sister is a professional librarian with a masters in library science . She is a kind and careful person. She makes very little money and should not be targeted by your false and hateful rhetoric. Nor can she or other librarians shoulder the burden of hysterical and unconstitutional law suits which force religion upon free citizens. Librarians are paid abysmal wages. And you will chase away qualified librarians because of your prejudices and ignorance. You want libraries to fail. You want frightened library employees, with minimal wages, who you can intimidate and bully. This bill is a complete overreaction to a problem that isn’t even a small issue in Idaho’s libraries. And when you are through brainwashing your children they will go out in the world and hate you for it. Have a grain of faith.

  8. Dear Governor Little,
    I adamantly urge you to house bill 710 to keep pornography out of the reach of our children. we need to protect Idaho’s children in any possible way that we can and passing House Bill 710 would be a huge step in the right direction.
    Lois J. Fisher
    ISD#1 Retired
    Lewiston, ID 83501

  9. I will not support your fascist views. I am a republican and a patriot, not a hypocritical fool. Wake up you fools.

  10. I hope that since you invited me to comment regarding this issue that you have sufficient integrity to allow my comments to be used without censorship.
    Thank you

  11. Thank you for alerting me to this bill. I will be calling Gov Little to ask him to please NOT sign this ridiculous bill. Parents shiuld be responsible for what their children read. Go to the library with them.
    I grew up going to the library by myself. I never saw any “porn” and was never exposed to anything resembling “porn.” The only reason a child might go looking for something like that is because they have heard adults like yourselves making a big deal out if it and peaking their curiosity. Even then they are not going to find “porn.” What they may find is the truth about the human species instead of the “truth” according to your misguided, head in the sand beliefs.

    You take care of your kids and let everyone else take care of theirs.

  12. All technology should be able to be restricted in all schools so that children will not be allowed to venture to any pornographic site of any kind. Technology has been advised in many forms and has dumbed down society and our children have been subjected to and allowed to venture to topics that they are not mature enough to understand nor digest.

  13. My question is how do we allow pornography in any library? Children should not have access to any inappropriate books.

  14. Please make sure traditional appropriate values are upheld and we do not allow our children to be exposed to unnecessary inappropriate material in our public system. If a family wants to expose thier children to mature adult content they are free to purchase & provide it themselves. Thank you

  15. I am both a grand and great G-father. To think the ‘Good old days ‘ for our youth to look back on will be the debased morality of today. What a shame. Please protect our children and sign HB710.

  16. Why in the world would any leader in the position that Governor Little is in would not want to see a bill signed that prohibits pornography in our libraries. We do not need our children seeing this kind of thing or being able to get it anymore than they should be able to get it on TV. I would think Governor Little would know better than to veto such a bill.

  17. We were a judeo Christian nation that’s why America is the greatest nation in the world. Please protect our children from this evil agenda. Innocence should be protected by responsible adults. Please listen to we the people. Thank you!

  18. What pornographic material? I worked in the Library industry for over 25 years and i would be shocked to learn Library staff would allow pornography in the library. please educate me

  19. What do you consider pornography ??? I consider any thing that teaches about my two moms or my two dads and transgender selection as unsuitable… for the schools !!! But in the regular library no books should be banned !!! Ever !!!

  20. Dear Governor Little, I am respectfully asking you to please sign house bill 710. As an avid reader and grandmother of seven I am very concerned about the fact that some of our libraries have books in them that are sexually explicit and available for young readers who are not mature enough to be reading such things. I am 67 years old and I do not read such things myself! It saddens me that books that are wonderful have been taken out of libraries such as Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and many others that are classics and yet filth is allowed to remain.

  21. I’m writing to ask that Gov. Little sign House Bill 710, also known as the Children’s School and Library Protection Act. Nearly 75% of likely Idaho voters agree that schools and libraries should take reasonable steps to restrict children’s access to pornography—and House Bill 710 accomplishes this important goal to protect children’s innocence.

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