Election victories present historic opportunities for conservative Christians

Election victories present historic opportunities for conservative Christians

Last night was historic in so many ways. At the federal level, American voters re-elected President Donald Trump and likely secured meaningful conservative majorities in both the U.S. House and Senate.

At the state level, Idaho voters definitively rejected the leftist push for ranked choice voting. We also saw conservatives pick up seats in both the Idaho House and Senate, meaning that our state legislature will be more conservative than in recent memory.

There’s lots to celebrate today. And one thing is clear: Biblically minded and culturally engaged Christians have a historic opportunity to achieve major policy victories in both our state and federal governments in the next couple years.

That being said, winning elections doesn’t solve our problems. We’re in a fight for the soul of our state and our nation—and while we may have won the battle, we haven’t yet won the war.

And that’s the same message that Eric Metaxas gave when he spoke to our IFPC Pastor’s Network last weekend. Speaking to dozens of Treasure Valley pastors, Metaxas warned us that the hard work of rebuilding our nation and our state comes after the election:

We’re in the third existential crisis of our history—which is a fancy way of saying that we will cease to exist as a nation if we do not win.

And so we’re in a war—but the war is not this election. This election is like the Battle of Long Island in 1776. If Washington had been crushed by the British, it would have been game over; we wouldn’t have been able to fight the revolution and build our nation.

So we have to win this election. But electing Trump is not enough. When we win the election, we’re only just crossing the starting line. Now we get to fight for all that we believe in—and we better fight hard, with everything the Lord gives us, for His purposes.

Eric Metaxas is right. While we’ve won the battle, we will lose the war if patriotic Christians coast into apathy and disengage.

Put simply, it’s never been more important that Christians exercise biblical citizenship and rebuild everything upon the firm foundation of Jesus Christ and His truth.

Will you prayerfully consider a tax-deductible gift of $65, $175, $350, or even more to help Idaho Family Policy Center take advantage of this moment in history?

With your partnership and God’s help, we can once again build a nation and a state where God is honored, where religious freedom flourishes, where families thrive, and where life is cherished.


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