Idaho Updates: Boise State and Roe v. Wade

Idaho Updates: Boise State and Roe v. Wade

ACTION ALERT: Boise State University

Last week Rep. Barbara Ehardt (R – Idaho Falls) and 27 other state legislators sent a letter to Boise State University voicing their concerns with its recent diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Programs and events hosted by the BSU Gender Equity Center include “Rainbow Graduation,” a special graduation event and ceremony just for LGBT students. They also screened a documentary film, For the Bible Tells Me So, which attacks biblical doctrines of gender, sexuality, and marriage and portrays those who subscribe to Christian truths as hateful, prejudiced, and ignorant.

Please visit our Action Center to send a message to BSU President Marlene Tromp. Let her know you think these radical social initiatives are offensive to our shared values and a waste of limited school resources. And please pass this along to others so they can make their voices heard, too!


Can the Supreme Court Revisit and Overturn its Past Decisions?

Vince Torres, executive director of Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico®, recently wrote a compelling article answering the question, “Is Roe v. Wade settled law?”

Torres invokes the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, a since-overturned decision in which the Supreme Court upheld “separate but equal” racially segregated public facilities, as an example that “no Supreme Court decision is beyond further review or an overturning.”

“As the Supreme Court has appropriately done in years past, it should once again move to correct injustice by overturning Roe—one of its most fallacious and appalling decisions in history.”


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