1. The battle to protect pre-born life across the country continues
Here’s another pro-life victory worth celebrating: Florida is now the eighteenth state to protect babies with beating hearts!
The law will save an estimated 50,000 babies from abortion violence annually, according to one national pro-life group.
Although Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the Heartbeat law last year, the law wasn’t allowed to take effect until Wednesday, after a landmark decision from the Florida Supreme Court rejected claims that their state constitution contains an unwritten right to abortion.
The data is clear that Heartbeat laws save precious preborn lives.
On this point, Idaho provides a compelling example: Our statewide abortion rate has declined by more than 99% since our Heartbeat law, which was drafted and championed by Idaho Family Policy Center, took effect nearly two years ago.
We will be praying that Florida sees similar miraculous, life-saving results!
2. ACLU isn’t sure if Idaho conservatives are committing genocide
Are Idaho Republican legislators committing genocide? Maybe, according to the ACLU of Idaho.
At their “session confessions” debrief of the recently concluded legislative session, an audience member asked whether recent state policy victories on gender, religious freedom, and parental rights should be considered a “genocide” of LGBT-identifying individuals.
Jenna Damron, an ACLU advocacy fellow, gave a response that borders on the absurd: “I don’t have a good answer for [whether Idaho legislators are committing genocide]… What we are seeing [at the state legislature] is a very coordinated movement to roll back the presence of trans, gender-non conforming, and even queer people from public life.”
Wow! Who would’ve guessed that protections for teachers who use biologically accurate pronouns, or simply defining ‘woman’ accurately, would be labeled as genocide!
3. Idaho joins Louisiana in lawsuit over Biden’s new Title IX rule that erases women
Attorney General Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) continues to play offense against the Biden administration!
Last month, the U.S. Department of Education published a final rule that destroys Title IX protections for girls in both academic settings and school athletics.
Under the new rule, schools could be forced to allow biological males to play in girls’ sports and utilize locker rooms designated for girls.
Thankfully, Labrador is having none of it—and he’s joined a Louisiana lawsuit seeking to stop the new rule from taking effect. In a press release, Labrador said:
The U.S. Department of Education’s new regulations contradict the text and purpose of Title IX… The regulations will also lead to violations of religious liberty and free speech rights that will damage students, teachers, and schools.
The fight to preserve Title IX protections is deeply personal, as our president, Blaine Conzatti, explained in an op-ed he co-wrote with Autumn Leva for The Daily Signal:
But even more personally, [Title IX] is about our daughters. We both have firstborn infant daughters who have filled our hearts in so many good, if sleepless, ways.
Nearly 50 years of girls have benefited from Title IX and the athletic opportunities afforded to them. Why should all those advancements be washed away for our daughters and generations that come after them just to score political points? That’s just not fair.
If the Biden administration is able to continue down this lawless path, there will be profound implications for our children. We’ll keep you updated as this legal battle unfolds.