Petition: Protect Girls in Idaho Schools

Petition: Protect Girls in Idaho Schools

Over the last half century, the federal government has increasingly involved itself in public education. Constitutionally speaking, education is a matter reserved for state governments. So how have federal bureaucrats clawed their way into an area of policy entirely outside of their legitimate purview?

Their tactic is brilliantly uncomplicated: Just send federal education funds to public schools, always with strings attached.

Put simply, when you take the federal cheese, you have to step into the regulatory mousetrap. Local schools that take the money have to comply with federal mandates and regulations, which are often both costly and onerous.

But the Biden administration has taken it one step further—and parents need to be concerned. In recent months, the U.S. Department of Education has begun tying its social engineering goals to the federal money it gives to schools.

Here is one example. This summer, the Biden administration issued a new mandate telling the public schools that receive federal funds to allow biological males to use bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms designated for girls.

Shortly thereafter, the Idaho School Boards Association sent an email to its member school districts, informing them that public and charter schools must allow students to use the facilities of their choice.

This is a line we cannot cross. We must protect the privacy and safety of our girls in public schools. The Biden administration is making us choose between federal education funds or our daughters and granddaughters. It should be a simple choice.

Please sign our petition now to demand that our state government protect our girls. By signing the petition, you tell Idaho state legislators that you want our elected representatives to legally ensure that our girls have safety and privacy in bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers.


It is time for Idaho to stand up to the radical measures taken by the federal government and say, “Enough is enough!” Please sign the petition right now.



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